Noun an international covenant on human rights The restrictive covenants of the building development prohibit the construction of buildings over 30 feet tall. Verb a traditional rule held that a husband could not enter into a covenant with his wife, because that was the equivalent of covenanting with himself the home buyers had to covenant that they would restore and keep the house for at least 10 years in exchange for a low mortgage rate
Recent Examples on the Web
In Los Angeles, Lawler’s Law is the covenant that states the first team to score 100 points wins a game. Bill Oram, oregonlive, 23 Aug. 2022 The Good News: God has answered the petitions of the faithful from time immemorial, ever since his covenant with the people of Israel. Elizabeth Berry, Woman's Day, 2 Aug. 2022 The trust, which is governed democratically by residents and neighbors, can decide to whom the dwelling can be sold and at what price, usually through a covenant in the lease. Alexander Thompson And Jocelyn Yang, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 14 Apr. 2022 The university has exceeded the limits with about 900 students living there rather than the covenant’s limit of 853 people, Bokovoy said. Sarah Ravani, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 Mar. 2022 Waves between windows symbolize baptism, sets of 12 steps call back to the 12 tribes of Israel and a golden arch inside the sanctuary honors the rainbow God presented as a covenant after the great flood depicted in Genesis in the Bible. Domenica Bongiovanni, The Indianapolis Star, 2 Aug. 2022 The trust, which is governed democratically by residents and neighbors, can decide to whom the dwelling can be sold and at what price, usually through a covenant in the lease. Alexander Thompson And Jocelyn Yang, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 14 Apr. 2022 The trust, which is governed democratically by residents and neighbors, can decide to whom the dwelling can be sold and at what price, usually through a covenant in the lease. Jocelyn Yang, The Christian Science Monitor, 17 Mar. 2022 One way to think about Christian higher education is as a covenant, a set of binding boundaries that defines each community, within which there is room to disagree, explore, and debate. Emma Green, The New Yorker, 30 June 2022
USA TODAY NETWORKLOS ANGELES — Alien: Covenant edged out Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in a weekend space battle at the box office. Sandy Cohen, USA TODAY, 21 May 2017 See More
Word History
Noun and Verb
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from present participle of covenir to be fitting, from Latin convenire