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1 stand /ˈstænd/ verb
stands; stood /ˈstʊd/ ; standing
1 stand
stands; stood /ˈstʊd/ ; standing
Learner's definition of STAND
[no object]
: to be in an upright position with all of your weight on your feet站;站立;直立
: to move onto your feet from a sitting or low position站起来;起立
often + up
[no object] : to be in an upright position竖立;矗立
[+ object] : to put (something or someone) in an upright position竖放;使直立
often + up
[no object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition : to be in a particular place or position位于(某处或某位置)
often used figuratively常用作比喻
: to remain in a place or position without moving or being moved停住;不动
not used in progressive tenses, [no object] : to be a specified height高度为;高达
[no object] : to be in a particular state or situation处于(某种状况或处境)
[no object] : to have a particular belief or opinion about something持有…看法;有…观点;采取…态度
always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to have a particular rank or position within a group具有…地位;排在第…位
[no object] : to continue to be at a specified number or amount保持(在某个数字或某数量)often + at
[no object] : to not be changed : to remain valid or effective保持不变;持续有效
[no object] : to exist at the present time处于目前的状况
[no object] : to be in a position in which you are likely to gain or lose something很可能得到(或失去)followed by to + verb接动词不定式
[+ object]
: to be willing or able to accept (something or someone unpleasant) without complaint容忍;忍受usually used with can, can't, cannot, could, and couldn't通常与can、can't 、cannot 、could和couldn't连用
used to say that someone strongly dislikes a person or thing受不了;很讨厌
[+ object] : to not be harmed by (something) : withstand经得起;能承受
[+ object]used to say that someone or something should have or do something or would be helped by something应该;usually used after could通常用在could后
[no object] British : to be a candidate in an election for a particular office参选often + for
[+ object] British, informal : to pay for (a meal or drink)付(饭菜或酒水)钱;请客

(as) sure as I'm standing here

US, informal
used to say that you believe that something is certainly true, will happen, etc.确信;坚信

I stand corrected

see 2correct

make your hair stand on end

see hair

not have a leg to stand on

see 1leg

stand a chance

see 1chance

stand alone

: to be in a position or situation in which you are not helped or supported by others独自一人;孤立无援
used to say that someone or something is better than all others出类拔萃

stand aside

[phrasal verb]
: to move to the left or right with one or a few small steps让开;站到一边
: to allow something to happen : to not try to stop someone from doing something不阻止;袖手旁观

stand back

[phrasal verb]
: to take a few steps backwards往后站;靠后站
: to stop doing something or being actively involved in something for a time so that you can think about it and make decisions in a calm and reasonable way置身事外(来考虑)

stand behind

[phrasal verb]
stand behind (someone or something)
: to support (someone or something)支持;做…的后盾

stand by

[phrasal verb]
: to stand or be present without taking any action while something is happening袖手旁观
: to be ready or available for use随时待命
see also standby
stand by (something)
: to support or defend (something)支持,捍卫(某事物)
: to act in the way that is required by (something, such as a belief or promise)信守,恪守(信仰、诺言等)
stand by (someone) : to remain loyal to (someone) : to continue to support (someone)忠于(某人);继续支持(某人)

stand down

[phrasal verb]
: to leave the witness stand in a court of law离开证人席
British : to leave a job or official position离职;退职;辞职

stand firm

: to refuse to change your decision, position, etc.坚持(决定、立场等)

stand for

[phrasal verb]
stand for (something)
: to have (a specified meaning)是…的意思;代表
: to support (something)支持(某事)
: to allow (something) to continue to happen容忍;忍受usually used in negative statements通常用于否定句
see also 1stand 15 (above)

stand guard/watch

: to stand in a position and guard or watch someone or something in order to look for possible danger, threats, etc.站岗;放哨

stand in

[phrasal verb]
: to take the place of (someone who is away for a time)暂时代替(某人)
often + for
see also stand-in

stand on ceremony

see ceremony

stand on your head/hands

: to be in a position in which your legs and feet are straight up in the air and your weight is supported by your head or hands倒立

stand on your own two feet

see 1foot

stand or fall

used to say that the future or success of someone or something depends on another person or thing成败(取决于)

stand out

[phrasal verb]
: to be easily seen or noticed突出;显眼;醒目
: to be better or more important than the other people or things in a group in a way that is easily seen or noticed比…出色;比…杰出;比…突出
see also standout
: to extend out from a surface突出来

stand out like a sore thumb

see 1sore

stand pat

see 3pat

stand someone/something in good stead

see stead

stand tall

: to stand with your body very straight笔直地站often used figuratively in U.S. English在美国英语中常用作比喻

stand to reason

see 1reason

stand trial

: to be on trial in a court of law受审判

stand up

[phrasal verb]
: to remain valid or acceptable when tested or examined经得起检验;经得起推敲;站得住脚
stand (someone) up informal : to fail to meet or keep an appointment with (someone)爽(某人的)约;未如约与(某人)见面
stand up for (someone or something) : to defend (someone or something) against attack or criticism捍卫;维护;保卫
stand up to (someone) : to refuse to accept bad treatment from (someone)拒绝忍受欺负;反抗(某人)
stand up to (something) : to remain in good condition despite (something)经受住;承受住
stand up and be counted : to make your opinions or beliefs publicly known especially when such action may cause trouble(勇敢地)公开表明观点(或信仰)
see also 1stand 1b, 2b (above), stand-up

stand your ground

see 1ground
2 stand /ˈstænd/ noun
plural stands
2 stand
plural stands
Learner's definition of STAND
[count] : a strongly held opinion about something立场;观点;态度usually singular通常用单数
often + on
[count] : a strong effort to defend yourself or oppose something抵御;捍卫;反对
[count] : a partially enclosed structure where things are sold or displayed售货亭;摊位;展台
[count] : a device or piece of furniture that holds an object in an upright position架;座;台
see also nightstand, washstand
[count] : a raised platform for people (such as performers or hunters) to stand on(表演者的)戏台;(猎人等站立的)高台
the stands : the rows of seats in a stadium that people sit in when they are watching a sports event, concert, etc.(体育场的)看台
see also grandstand
the stand : the place where a witness testifies in court : witness stand(法庭上的)证人席
[count] chiefly US : a series of performances, games, etc., that are at a particular place for a period of time(在某地的)停留演出,连续比赛
see also one-night stand
[count] : a group of plants growing close together个体植物群丛;林分
see also handstand, headstand, taxi stand


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stood ˈstu̇d How to pronounce stand (audio) ; standing

intransitive verb

: to support oneself on the feet in an erect position
: to be a specified height when fully erect
stands six feet two
: to rise to an erect position
: to take up or maintain a specified position or posture
stand aside
can you stand on your head
: to maintain one's position
stand firm
: to be in a particular state or situation
stands accused
: to hold a course at sea
obsolete : hesitate
: to have or maintain a relative position in or as if in a graded scale
stands first in the class
: to be in a position to gain or lose because of an action taken or a commitment made
stands to make quite a profit
chiefly British : to be a candidate : run
: to rest or remain upright on a base or lower end
a clock stood on the mantle
: to occupy a place or location
the house stands on a knoll
: to remain stationary or inactive
the car stood in the garage for a week
: to gather slowly and remain
tears standing in her eyes
: agree, accord
used chiefly in the expression it stands to reason
: to exist in a definite written or printed form
copy a passage exactly as it stands
: to remain valid or efficacious
the order given last week still stands
of a male animal : to be available as a sire
used especially of horses
: to refuse additional cards (as in blackjack)

transitive verb

: to endure or undergo successfully
this book will stand the test of time
: to tolerate without flinching : bear courageously
stands pain well
: to endure the presence or personality of
can't stand the boss
: to derive benefit or enjoyment from
you look like you could stand a drink
: to remain firm in the face of
stand a siege
: to submit to
stand trial
: to perform the duty of
stand guard
: to participate in (a military formation)
: to pay the cost of (a treat) : pay for
I'll stand you a dinner
stand drinks
: to cause to stand : set upright
: to make available for breeding
stand a stallion
stander noun


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: a halt for defense or resistance
: an often defensive effort of some duration or degree of success
a goal-line stand
: a stop made to give a performance
a 6-game stand at home
: a town where such a stop is made
: an act of stopping or staying in one place
: a place or post where one stands
: a strongly or aggressively held position especially on a debatable issue
took a stand against higher taxes
: the place taken by a witness for testifying in court
b stands plural
: a section of the tiered seats for spectators of a sport or spectacle
: the occupants of such seats
: a raised platform (as for a speaker or hunter) serving as a point of vantage
: a small often open-air structure for a small retail business
a vegetable stand
a hot dog stand
: a site fit for business opportunity
: a place where a passenger vehicle stops or parks
a taxi stand
: a frame on or in which something may be placed for support
: a group of plants growing in a continuous area
: a standing posture
stand a chance
: to have a chance
stand for
: to be a symbol for : represent
: to put up with : permit
stand on
: to depend on
: to insist on
never stands on ceremony
stand one's ground
: to maintain one's position
stand on one's own feet
: to think or act independently
stand tall
: to exhibit courage, strength, or calm especially in the face of adversity
stand treat
: to pay the cost of food, drink, or entertainment for others in a group
Choose the Right Synonym for stand

bear, suffer, endure, abide, tolerate, stand mean to put up with something trying or painful.

bear usually implies the power to sustain without flinching or breaking.

forced to bear a tragic loss

suffer often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing.

suffering many insults

endure implies continuing firm or resolute through trials and difficulties.

endured years of rejection

abide suggests acceptance without resistance or protest.

cannot abide their rudeness

tolerate suggests overcoming or successfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something injurious or distasteful.

refused to tolerate such treatment

stand emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching.

unable to stand teasing

Example Sentences

Verb She was standing near the window. He was standing next to me. All of the seats on the bus were taken so we had to stand. He can stand using a cane. He was standing in a puddle of water. The deer stood still, listening for danger. We had to stand in line for over an hour. Two bowling pins were left standing. A shovel and rake stood in the corner. She stood the ladder against the house. Noun The team insured their victory with an impressive goal-line stand. The army is preparing to make a stand against the enemy. students making a stand against the war We have display stands in many bookstores. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
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Minutes before the defense rested late Friday, Kelly co-defendant and ex-business manager Derrell McDavid ended three days on the stand. Michael Tarm, BostonGlobe.com, 12 Sep. 2022 This sophisticated skeleton decoration on a stand makes a spirited first impression at the front door. Sarah Martens, Better Homes & Gardens, 12 Sep. 2022 On the stand, Laurence is forced to speak against her will, but somehow the words give voice to Rama’s internal monologue. Ben Croll, Variety, 10 Sep. 2022 Minutes before resting, Kelly co-defendant and ex-business manager Derrell McDavid ended three days on the stand. CBS News, 10 Sep. 2022 Lincoln’s earlier Star concept will also be on the stand, this time with a finished interior. Mark Phelan, Detroit Free Press, 7 Sep. 2022 In the spring leading up to his appearance on the stand, rangers from Redwood National and State Parks in northern California were deep into a months-long investigation of burl poaching. Lyndsie Bourgon, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Sep. 2022 On the stand, however, Freeman’s testimony about that meeting gave details about only one agreement for $1 million to recover video footage in Georgia. Megan Crepeau, Chicago Tribune, 4 Sep. 2022 Just place the phone on the stand, press play and view them without any eye or neck strain. Give her self-care in a box with a monthly subscription to Therabox. Monique Valeris, Good Housekeeping, 26 Aug. 2022 See More

Word History



Middle English, from Old English standan; akin to Old High German stantan, stān to stand, Latin stare, Greek histanai to cause to stand, set, histasthai to stand, be standing

First Known Use


before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a


1590, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler
The first known use of stand was before the 12th century


1be on your feet/be upright站立;直立ADVERB | VERB + STAND | PHRASES ADVERBerect, tall, upright站直motionless, still站着不動Stand still while I take your photo.我給你照相時站着別動。barefoot, naked赤腳/赤身站着on tiptoe踮着腳尖She stood on tiptoe to reach the shelf.她踮着腳尖伸手去夠架子。awkwardly, meekly, uncertainly尷尬地/溫順地/猶豫地站着He stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure what to say.他尷尬地站在門口,不知道該說什麼。rigidly, stiffly僵硬地/僵直地站着quietly, silently安靜地/默默地站着proudly驕傲地站着Her parents stood proudly at her side.她的父母驕傲地站在她身旁。around, there無所事事;閒站着Don't just stand there-do something.別光站在那兒,做點兒什麼。I stood there staring at him.我無所事事地立在那兒,盯着他看。VERB + STANDbe able to, can能站立be unable to, cannot不能站立The roof was so low I couldn't stand upright.屋頂太矮,我都沒法站直。can barely, can hardly幾乎不能站立He felt so weak he could hardly stand.他覺得非常虛弱,幾乎站不起來。PHRASESbe left standing仍然立着After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震過後只有幾幢房屋還立着。stand rooted to the spot生了根似的站着不動She stood rooted to the spot, too afraid to move or speak.她生了根似的立在那兒,不敢動,也不敢出聲。


2tolerate sth忍受VERB + STANDcan能忍受I don't know how you can stand the heat.我不知道那麼熱你怎麼能受得了。cannot不能容忍I can't stand that man!我受不了那個人!can hardly幾乎不能容忍


3 (especially BrE) be a candidate in an election參選 see also run ADVERB | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBsuccessfully, unsuccessfully成功地成為候選人;落選VERB + STANDdecide to決定參選be allowed to得到參選許可PREPOSITIONagainst與⋯競選Two candidates will be standing against her.兩名候選人將與她競爭。as作為⋯參加競選She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections.在地方選舉中她沒有勝出。for競選⋯He is standing for Oxford East in the election.他在選舉中競選東牛津候選人。PHRASESsb's decision to stand某人參加競選的決定stand for election參加競選


stand byADVERBidly, passively袖手旁觀Surely the world cannot stand idly by and let this country go through the agony of war yet again?國際社會當然不能袖手旁觀,讓這個國家再度經歷戰爭的傷痛吧?VERB + STAND BYcan能袖手旁觀stand upADVERBstraight站直You'll look taller if you stand up straight.你站直了會顯得高一些。abruptly, quickly, suddenly猛然/迅速/突然站起來slowly慢慢站起來immediately立即站起來VERB + STAND UPtry to試圖站起來I tried to stand up and found myself in agony.我試圖站起身來,卻發現疼痛難忍。


1effort to resist opposition抵抗ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrave, defiant, determined, firm, strong, tough勇敢的抵制;公然違抗;堅決的抵制;強硬的抵制moral, principled道德上的/原則性的抵制last, last-ditch最後的抵抗public公開的抵制VERB + STANDmake, take抵抗;抵禦PREPOSITIONstand against抵制⋯to make a stand against industries that contribute to river pollution抵制導致河流污染的行業stand on在⋯上的抵制立場He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.在濫用醫院資金的問題上,他採取公開的反對態度。


2 (especially NAmE) small shop小店 see also stall ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconcession, farm, market (all NAmE) (體育場、劇場等的)小賣部;農產品櫃枱;集市攤roadside (NAmE) 路邊小攤news (usually news-stand) , newspaper報刊亭;報攤
fruit, hamburger, hot-dog, lemonade (NAmE) , etc.水果攤、漢堡攤、熱狗攤、檸檬水攤等VERB + STANDset up擺攤PREPOSITIONat a/the stand在攤點We can get a magazine at the newspaper stand.我們可以在報刊亭買本雜誌。PHRASEShit the stands開始在報刊亭出售The magazine will hit the stands in April.本雜誌將於 4 月份開始在報刊亭出售。


3 (especially BrE) table at an exhibition展台ADJECTIVE | VERB + STAND | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdisplay, exhibition, trade (BrE) 展位;展台;交易台information信息台;問訊台VERB + STANDhave有展台Our company has a display stand at this year's fair.在今年的交易會上我們公司有一個展台。set up設立展台man照看展台We took it in turns to man the exhibition stand.我們輪流在展台值班。PREPOSITIONat a/the stand, on the stand在展台上I'll be on the stand for two hours.我將在展台上照看兩個小時。You'll find brochures of our new products on the stand.展台上有關於我們新產品的小冊子。


4furniture/equipment for putting sth on傢具;設備ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcoat, hat (usually hatstand) , umbrella衣帽架;帽架;傘架
mic (informal) , microphone, mike (informal) 麥克風架
music樂譜架night (usually nightstand) (NAmE) 牀頭櫃wooden木支架PREPOSITIONin a/the stand, on a/the stand在架子上There was some music open on the music stand.樂譜架上有打開的樂譜。
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0_0: Translations of stand
  • # n.
    貨攤: stall, stand
    架: frame, rack, shelf, stand
    旗幟: banner, colors, colours, ensign, flag, stand
    台: desk, platform, stage, stand, support, table
    檯: broadcasting station, desk, platform, special telephone service, stage, stand
    支架: body, carrier, cradle, foothold, frame, stand
    支子: stand, support
    主張: assertion, claim, notion, position, proposition, stand
    座: base, pedestal, place, seat, stand, bracket clock
    座子: base, pedestal, saddle, stand
  • # v.
    經: bear, endure, manage, pass through, stand
    經受: endure, experience, stand, tough, undergo, weather
    立: erect, exist, found, live, set up, stand
    忍受: bear, endure, stand
    受: accept, bear, endure, receive, stand, be subject
    算數: count, hold, stand
    挺: endure, hold out, stand, stick out
    慉: advance, bear, foster, promote, stand, support
    站: halt, stand, stop
    站住: consolidate, halt, stand, stop

0_0: Definitions of stand
  • # verb.
    - have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet.
    * Lionel stood in the doorway
    - (of an object, building, or settlement) be situated in a particular place or position.
    * the town stood on a hill
    - be in a specified state or condition.
    * since mother's death the house had stood empty
    - withstand (an experience or test) without being damaged.
    * small boats that could stand the punishment of heavy seas
    - provide (food or drink) for (someone) at one's own expense.
    * somebody in the bar would stand him a beer
  • # noun.
    - an attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in an argument.
    * the party's tough stand on welfare
    - a rack, base, or piece of furniture for holding, supporting, or displaying something.
    * a microphone stand
    - the place where someone typically stands or sits.
    * she took her stand in front of the desks
    - a large raised tiered structure for spectators, typically at a sports arena.
    * her parents watched from the stands
    - a cessation from motion or progress.
    * the train drew to a stand by the signal box
    - a group of growing plants of a specified kind, especially trees.
    * a stand of poplars

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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