Recent Examples on the WebGraphene is a super material and an allotrope of carbon that’s made up of a layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb nanostructure. Mark Sparrow, Forbes, 10 Nov. 2021 Therrien is bullish about the long-term potential of geometrical frustration to synthesize novel allotropes of carbon and other elements. W. Wayt Gibbs, Science | AAAS, 12 Nov. 2019 Altogether, then, this allotrope of carbon looks likely to have a profitable future.The Economist, 5 Oct. 2019 More Biology and Tech The e-tattoo is built from the thermoplastic polyvinylidene fluoride and graphene, which is an allotrope of carbon that's 100 times stronger than steel. Daisy Hernandez, Popular Mechanics, 26 June 2019 In the next step, the carbon ashes are converted into graphite, a stable allotrope of carbon in which the atoms are packed into tight, flat sheets. Glenn Mcdonald, National Geographic, 17 June 2019 What makes us human is doubt, fear, and shame, all the allotropes of unworthiness. Tad Friend, The New Yorker, 7 May 2018 See More