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TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801


election ˈlɛkʃən/ noun
plural elections
plural elections
Learner's definition of ELECTION
: the act or process of choosing someone for a public office by voting选举;推选
often used before another noun常用于另一名词前
see also general election
: the fact of being elected当选
TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801



elec·​tion i-ˈlek-shən How to pronounce election (audio)
: an act or process of electing
the election of a new governor
: the fact of being elected
her election to the Senate
: predestination to eternal life
: the right, power, or privilege of making a choice
Choose the Right Synonym for election

choice, option, alternative, preference, selection, election mean the act or opportunity of choosing or the thing chosen.

choice suggests the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely.

freedom of choice

option implies a power to choose that is specifically granted or guaranteed.

the option of paying now or later

alternative implies a need to choose one and reject another possibility.

equally attractive alternatives

preference suggests a choice guided by one's judgment or predilections.

a preference for cool weather

selection implies a range of choice.

a varied selection of furniture

election implies an end or purpose which requires exercise of judgment.

doing a tax return forces certain elections on you

Example Sentences

He's favored to win the election. The scandal may affect his chances for election. Her election to the Senate was a surprise to many.
Recent Examples on the Web But support for the party grew rapidly over the past dozen years, culminating in its election showing Sunday. Emily Rauhala, Washington Post, 14 Sep. 2022 Moreover, neighborhoods with higher support for Breed in her most competitive election in 2018 may have larger increases in turnout. Nami Sumida, San Francisco Chronicle, 12 Sep. 2022 And while crisis management has marked the younger Beshear as a politician to watch since his election as governor in 2019, Republicans are lining up to challenge him in a state where Democrats have struggled in recent years. Bruce Schreiner, ajc, 11 Sep. 2022 Truss, 47, met Queen Elizabeth at Balmoral Castle on Tuesday, following her election as leader of the Conservative Party. Janine Henni, Peoplemag, 9 Sep. 2022 The Tender Claws union was voluntarily recognized and the Raven Software union won their National Labor Relations Board union election; Blizzard Albany workers haven’t yet participated in a union vote. Katie Kilkenny, The Hollywood Reporter, 7 Sep. 2022 But Pansing Brooks went ahead with an ad on the issue right before her June 28 special election, losing by six points in a district that Trump won by 11 in 2020. Hannah Knowles And Caroline Kitchener, Anchorage Daily News, 6 Sep. 2022 But after his election in 2000, Putin actively sought to restore his country’s ties with North Korea in what was seen as an effort to regain its traditional domains of influence and secure more allies to better deal with the United States. Aamer Madhani, BostonGlobe.com, 6 Sep. 2022 For those already on death row, the law said inmates must make their election to die by nitrogen hypoxia within 30 days of June 1, 2018. Ivana Hrynkiw | Ihrynkiw@al.com, al, 6 Sep. 2022 See More

Word History

First Known Use

13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler
The first known use of election was in the 13th century
TOEFL BNC: 638 COCA: 801


ADJECTIVE | VERB + ELECTION | ELECTION + VERB | ELECTION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclean, fair, free, open公正/公平/自由/公開選舉fraudulent, rigged, stolen舞弊的選舉close勢均力敵的選舉Predicting the result of close elections is a perilous game.要預言一場勢均力敵的選舉結果,是個冒險的事。landslide一邊倒的選舉The party won a landslide election.該政黨在選舉中贏得壓倒性勝利。contested, disputed有競爭的/有爭議的選舉They demanded a rerun of the disputed presidential election.他們要求推翻這場有爭議的總統選舉,進行重選。historic歷史性的選舉competitive競爭激烈的選舉popular普選the democratic concept of popular elections普選的民主觀念democratic, multiparty, non-partisan民主/多黨派/無黨派選舉direct, indirect直接/間接選舉fresh, new新一輪選舉last上一次選舉recent最近的選舉early提前選舉The prime minister may decide to call an early election.首相可能決定提前舉行大選。scheduled安排好日程的選舉the scheduled Lebanese elections in May預定在 5 月舉行的黎巴嫩選舉forthcoming, upcoming (especially NAmE) 即將到來的選舉special補缺選舉primary (in the US) , run-off (especially NAmE) 初選;(票數相同者之間的)決勝選舉/(第一次投票後在票數最高的兩名候選人之間進行的)第二次預選
midterm, off-year (NAmE) 中期/非大選年選舉recall (= an election to remove an elected official from office) (NAmE) 罷免選舉The Governor faces an unprecedented recall election.州長正面臨着前所未有的罷免選舉。county, federal, local, municipal, national, nationwide, provincial, regional, state, statewide (NAmE) 郡選舉;聯邦選舉;地方選舉;市政選舉;國家選舉;全國選舉;省級選舉;地區選舉;州選舉congressional, council, general, gubernatorial, judicial, leadership, legislative, local-government, mayoral, papal, parliamentary, party, presidential, Senate國會/市政會/全民/州長/司法/領導層/立法會/地方政府/市長/教宗/議會/政黨/總統/參議院選舉school board學校董事會選舉student council, student government, student union (BrE) 學生會選舉VERB + ELECTIONconduct, have, hold, run舉行選舉call宣佈舉行選舉contest, fight參加競選run for, stand for (especially BrE) 參選dispute對選舉提出異議a bitterly disputed election一場有激烈爭議的選舉lose, win落選;當選concede承認選舉失敗sweep (NAmE) 在選舉中大獲全勝The party swept Turkish elections in November.該黨在土耳其 11 月的選舉中大獲全勝。affect, influence影響選舉sway, swing, tip (especially NAmE) 扭轉/轉變/左右選舉結果votes which could swing the entire national election可以改變整個國家選舉結果的投票decide, determine決定選舉結果The people will decide this election and they will prove all the polls wrong.民眾將決定這次選舉,同時將證明所有的民意調查都是錯的。organize, schedule (especially NAmE) 組織/安排選舉monitor, oversee, supervise監督選舉cancel, delay, postpone取消/推遲/延期選舉derail破壞選舉The violence in the country will not derail the elections.該國的暴力事件不會影響選舉的進程。fix, manipulate, rig, steal操縱選舉;竊取選舉claims that voter fraud had stolen the election for the Republicans共和黨勝選的投票人舞弊之說boycott抵制選舉ELECTION + VERBtake place選舉舉行be due, be scheduled for選舉日期定於⋯Elections are scheduled for November.選舉定於 11 月舉行。approach, loom選舉臨近ELECTION + NOUNcampaign競選活動manifesto, pledge, promise競選宣言/誓言/許諾statement競選聲明issue競選議題Education is a key election issue.教育是競選中的一個重要議題。debate選舉辯論strategy選舉策略battle, contest選舉戰;競選turnout選舉投票率The election turnout in 2008 was high.2008 年選舉投票率很高。ballot, poll選票;選舉民意調查outcome, result, returns (especially NAmE) 選舉結果A lot hangs on the election result.很多事情取決於選舉結果。All counties have now certified their election returns.所有的縣都已確認了各自的選舉結果。defeat, victory選舉失利;選舉勝利broadcast, coverage, news選舉廣播/報道/新聞procedure, process, system選舉程序/過程/制度candidate選舉候選人administrator, commissioner, judge, monitor, observer, official, worker選舉專員/督察專員/法官/監督員/觀察員/官員/工作人員board, commission選舉委員會office選舉辦公室date, day, eve, night, period, season, time, year選舉日期;選舉日;選舉前夜;選舉當天晚上;選舉期間;選舉季;選舉時期;選舉年It was successful in rallying voters at election time.選舉時召集選民隊伍的舉措獲得成功。cycle選舉週期The US is reaching the end of its latest presidential election cycle.美國最近的總統選舉週期即將結束。fraud選舉舞弊reform選舉改革PREPOSITIONat an/the election, in an/the election在選舉中⋯in the 2001 general election2001 年大選中by election通過選舉Membership of the committee is by election.委員會成員經由選舉產生。election to獲選入⋯her election to the Senate她當選參議院議員PHRASESthe outcome of an election選舉結果the run-up to an election選舉前的競選時期opinion poll results in the run-up to elections選舉前的民意測驗結果
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0_0: Translations of election
  • # n.
    選舉: election

0_0: Definitions of election
  • # noun.
    - a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.
    * an election year

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