: a device (such as a band of rubber) that checks bleeding or blood flow by compressing blood vessels
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThe family put a tourniquet around his leg and got him to the beach where paramedics were ready to fly him to a hospital via helicopter, Reeder said. Joe Mario Pedersen, Orlando Sentinel, 15 Aug. 2022 First: Relieving up to $20,000 in student debt per borrower is a financial tourniquet that will help 43 million people who've been swept into a complex and undeniably broken system. Allison Morrow, CNN, 28 Aug. 2022 Jameson held onto a noodle float as his family pulled him back into a boat, and the family applied a tourniquet above the bite to slow the bleeding, the uncle wrote. Amanda Watts, CNN, 16 Aug. 2022 Wikander was later carried out of classroom 1213 by law enforcement and given a real tourniquet. Natalia Galicza, Sun Sentinel, 21 July 2022 The backup officers quickly took Du into custody and began helping Pacheco, including providing the nurse with a real tourniquet. Alex Riggins, San Diego Union-Tribune, 29 Apr. 2022 Sam Fuller, a lobsterman, took to surfing with a tourniquet stuffed in his wetsuit.New York Times, 20 Oct. 2021 Clamp, Andrews and other experts say do not apply a tourniquet to a pit viper bite (which is something Vuncannon did). Forrest Brown, CNN, 24 July 2022 Afterward, Willingham managed to get his sister onto a nearby boat and helped apply a tourniquet to her wounds. Abigail Adams, PEOPLE.com, 5 July 2022 See More
Word History
French, turnstile, tourniquet, from tourner to turn, from Old French — more at turn