A spate of books on the subject have come out recently. There was a spate of corporate mergers in the 1980s.
Recent Examples on the WebSoaring temperatures and persistent drought conditions also helped fuel a spate of new wildfires in California, including the Mill fire in Siskiyou County and the Fairview fire in Riverside County, which generated its own fire tornadoes. Hayley Smith, Los Angeles Times, 9 Sep. 2022 There’s been a spate of issues lately that highlight food and water safety concerns, putting them top of mind. Michelle Deal-zimmerman, Baltimore Sun, 8 Sep. 2022 Bangalore is one of many cities to have seen a spate of heavier than expected downpours in recent years. Tripti Lahiri, WSJ, 7 Sep. 2022 The leadership there, frustrated by a spate of killings and violence in August, announced a 30-day crackdown on its own curfew for youths to begin Friday. Peter Hermann, Washington Post, 7 Sep. 2022 The spate of violence led to Birmingham Police Chief Scott Thurmond addressing the violence on Tuesday morning, offering his condolences to the victims’ family members and asking the community to step up and help police stop the killing. Carol Robinson | Crobinson@al.com, al, 6 Sep. 2022 Visitors play in the national parks at their own risk (which is why, for example, Zion’s Angels Landing remains a popular hike despite a spate of deaths there in recent years). Julie Jag, The Salt Lake Tribune, 1 Sep. 2022 Biden's prime-time address comes at a time when murders in the city are up, albeit slightly, compared to the same time last year, and the city has seen a spate of violent crimes. Stephanie Pagones, Fox News, 1 Sep. 2022 After anecdotal concerns about a spate of druggings in West Hollywood, the city began distributing date-rape drug test kits to bars, restaurants, and other venues. Jamie Fiore Higgins, Fortune, 29 Aug. 2022 See More