intransitive: to make excessively vague or general statements about something or someone
Of course, I am guilty here of grossly overgeneralizing, of caricaturing. Peter Oliver
transitive + intransitive: to generalize to the point of inaccuracy : to extrapolate a general theory, rule, etc. from too few facts or particulars
overgeneralizes from the results of a limited study
Since the needs of a low vision person and of a blind person can be very different, it is important not to overgeneralize the nature of visual impairment. Roberto Manduchi and James Coughlan
intransitive: to apply a rule of language too broadly
At a certain stage of language growth, children characteristically overgeneralize: They say sleeped instead of slept, brang (on the analogy of sang) instead of brought, and so forth. Noam Chomsky