Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯 ^_^: Translate en To zh-TW Shoal --------- 淺灘
0_0: Translations of Shoal
# v. 變淺: shallow, shoal 淺起來: shallow, shoal
# n. 黎: black, many, muchness, multitude, shoal 淺灘: bar, ford, shallow, shoal 沙洲: bar, cay, sandbank, shoal 灘: beach, shoal
# a. 淺的: shoal
0_0: Definitions of Shoal
# noun. - a large number of fish swimming together. * a shoal of bream - an area of shallow water, especially as a navigational hazard. * we clawed our way out from the Bahamian shoals into the deep waters of the Atlantic
# verb. - (of fish) form shoals. * these fish can safely be released to shoal with most adult species - (of water) become shallower. * the water shoals reasonably gently, and the swimming is safe