: of, relating to, or being an organism living at a high temperature
thermophilic fermentation
thermophilic bacteria
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebInside the engine, for example, where high temperatures are reached, thermophilic bacteria could (maybe) be found. Elana Scherr, Car and Driver, 4 June 2022 The closed-vessel system also accelerated the proliferation of the thermophilic organisms that break a body down, transforming it into soil in just thirty days. Lisa Wells, Harper's Magazine, 28 Sep. 2021 From 1965 through 1975, Brock conducted field and laboratory research on thermophilic microorganisms in the hot springs of the park, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. David Bressan, Forbes, 28 Apr. 2021 The Valley of Geysers is fragile territory, a sliver in the earth exposing volcanic rock, alkaline pools, and crusts of thermophilic bacteria. Cnt Editors, Condé Nast Traveler, 11 Aug. 2020