He is a lying sleazeball. don't post your private info and revealing pics online—there are some real sleazeballs out there
Recent Examples on the WebPallaoro opens with a close-up of Monica (Lysette) in a tanning bed, then shows her fending off unwanted attention from a sleazeball in the parking lot. Jon Frosch, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Sep. 2022 And Merrick, the newspaper publisher (played by Jeffrey Jones); E.B. Farnum (William Sanderson), the sleazeball who ran the Grand Central Hotel — those are real people.Los Angeles Times, 23 Mar. 2022 Why were lifelong feminists joining a party led by a man with a reputation as a macho dinosaur, or even a sleazeball? Helen Lewis, The Atlantic, 5 May 2021 Stone portrays himself as a dandy and a dirtbag, a sleazeball who embodies the rage and drive for fame that sits at the heart of the worst corners of American politics. Alissa Wilkinson, Vox, 24 Aug. 2018 As for the merits of the case, young guy is a sleazeball. Joshua Miller, BostonGlobe.com, 15 May 2018 McGowan was always vocal about sleazeballs like Weinstein, even prior to the New York Times and the New Yorker posting their explosive exposés. Clarkisha Kent, The Root, 17 Oct. 2017 See More