Recent Examples on the WebWhile perusing her dreamscapes in a holographic form, Preble becomes enamored with the image of young Bella (Grace Glowicki), giving way to a romantic adventure in an atemporal space where the rules of reality cease to exist. Carlos Aguilar, Los Angeles Times, 17 Feb. 2022 The murder is retold by the restless ghost of the woman, named Inni, who seems to hover in some atemporal purgatory, observing the torments of her shocked survivors while reliving her slide into heroin addiction and prostitution. Sam Sacks, WSJ, 14 Jan. 2022 The film’s performances, by some of the best actors in the business, have a generic and atemporal expressivity that suggests neither the society of the nineteen-forties nor the movies of that time. Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 17 Dec. 2021 The show unfolds in some atemporal nostalgia zone; Rob seems like a middle-aged person’s idealized view of a heartbroken young person. Troy Patterson, The New Yorker, 5 Feb. 2020 The article is actually several months old (but in this atemporal world, who cares?) and reading it I was immediately struck by the convergences with Retromania’s concerns. Bruce Sterling, WIRED, 2 Sep. 2011