Recent Examples on the WebAfter traveling all morning from Colorado Springs and not eating properly or drinking enough fluids, plus pitching in uncustomary heat, Houser said his stomach became upset. Tom Haudricourt, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 18 June 2018 On Wednesday, Israel’s departing ambassador, Eitan Na’eh, received an uncustomary search at Istanbul’s airport in an apparent attempt at public humiliation, including being forced to take off his shoes. Ruth Eglash, Washington Post, 16 May 2018 Sandra makes an uncustomary scene and moves in with her estranged older sister, Elizabeth. Jane Horwitz, idahostatesman, 12 Apr. 2018 Sandra makes an uncustomary scene and moves in with her estranged older sister. Jane Horwitz, kansascity, 12 Apr. 2018 Things are in such a state, the mayor has singled out some most uncustomary targets in the city’s latest drive against prostitution and pornography. Gail Sheehy, Daily Intelligencer, 8 Sep. 2017