Recent Examples on the WebUsing a piping system that delivered different smells into each turtle’s tank area, Pfaller and his colleagues exposed each turtle to four different smell stimuli: deionized water, clean plastic, biofouled plastic, and turtle food. Cathleen O'grady, Ars Technica, 14 Mar. 2020 Interestingly, the cooling system will use water, deionized to prevent corrosion and pressurized to raise the boiling point to about 150 degrees Celsius. Jay Bennett, Popular Mechanics, 6 Aug. 2018 But before going on with my water log, so to speak, some definitions: Purified or filtered water (Dasani, Aquafina) is tap water that has been distilled, deionized, or put through reverse osmosis. Bob Morris, Town & Country, 3 May 2018 Several rooms at the preservation facility resemble chemistry labs with vacuums called snorkels hanging from the ceiling and tanks of deionized water for paper conservation. Meg Jones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 20 Apr. 2018