plural tonics
plural tonics
Learner's definition of TONIC
[count, noncount] : a type of water that has bubbles in it, has a bitter taste, and is often used in alcoholic drinks汤力水,奎宁水(一种有气泡的、微苦的水,常加于酒精饮料中) — called also tonic water
2 [count]
a : something that makes you feel healthier and more relaxed有益身心的东西 —
usually singular通常用单数 -
A weekend in the mountains was always a tonic for him.对他来说,在山区度周末总是有益身心。
To her, classical music is a tonic.对她来说,古典音乐有益身心。
b : a medicine that brings you back to a normal physical or mental condition补药;滋补品 c somewhat old-fashioned : a liquid that is used on your hair to make it healthier护发液 3
[count] music : the main note of a musical key主音