: a poisonous cardiotonic steroid C41H64O14 obtained from a foxglove (Digitalis lanata) and used especially to treat atrial fibrillation
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebSince many effective therapeutics, including the heart drug digoxin and the anti-malarial artemisinin, have been derived from traditional medicines, there is interest in exploring entheogens to treat mental illnesses. Louis Metzger Iv, Forbes, 26 Apr. 2022 Microbes can also sabotage the classic cardiac drug digoxin, which is used to treat arrhythmias and heart failure. Claudia Wallis, Scientific American, 1 Jan. 2020 First, the doctor injects potassium chloride or digoxin into the fetus’s heart, killing it within minutes.The Economist, 22 Aug. 2019 These include severing the umbilical cord or injecting potassium chloride or the medication digoxin into the fetus. Bill Rankin, ajc, 25 May 2018 Several doctors, including Wallace, testified that using digoxin in earlier stages of a pregnancy is uncommon, has not been thoroughly studied and is not always effective. Alejandra Matos, Houston Chronicle, 3 Nov. 2017 Administering an injection of digoxin, a drug used to treat heart disease in adults, is one method. Alejandra Matos, Houston Chronicle, 3 Nov. 2017 See More
Word History
International Scientific Vocabulary dig- (from New Latin Digitalis) + toxin