lodges; lodged; lodging
lodges; lodged; lodging
Learner's definition of LODGE
a [+ object] : to provide (someone) with a place to stay for a short period of time給(某人)提供臨時住所 b [no object] : to stay at a place for a short period of time短時間居住;暫住;投宿 —
often + with 2
: to become stuck or fixed in a specified place or position被固定;卡住;嵌入 [no object]
[+ object]
often used as (be) lodged常用作(be) lodged —
often used figuratively常用作比喻 3
[+ object] : to present (something, such as a complaint) to someone so that it can be considered, dealt with, etc. : file提出(抱怨、控訴等) —
often + against 4
[+ object] chiefly British : to place (something, such as money) in something or with someone so that it can be kept safe存放,寄存(錢等) 2 lodge /ˈlɑːʤ/ noun
plural lodges
plural lodges
Learner's definition of LODGE
: a house or hotel in the country or mountains for people who are doing some outdoor activity(供戶外運動者居住的)鄉間小屋,山間小舍 2
: the place where a beaver lives海狸的穴 3
a : a local group that is part of a larger organization地方分會 b : a meeting place for the members of such a group(地方分會會員的)集會地,活動地 4
a chiefly British : a small house used by a person who works on an estate(供莊園、公園或宅第工人等居住的)小屋 b British : a shelter or room for the use of a worker (such as a gatekeeper, doorkeeper, or janitor) at a college(大學裏的)門房 c British : the official residence of the head of a college that is part of a British university and especially Cambridge University(劍橋大學等英國大學的)學院院長住宅