Recent Examples on the WebEventually, Charlie separates from his hoofed friend at the end of the clip and walks to another window. Kelli Bender,, 26 Jan. 2022 These goats are hoofed professionals—in the business of helping cities and towns (or anyone with some acreage in the weeds) maintain their land. Camille Sauers, Chron, 30 Sep. 2021 Although horses sometimes pass through the reserve, towing supplies to local farmers, the solitary panda does not interact with these hoofed animals in the wild. Lucy Hicks, Science | AAAS, 7 Dec. 2020 Then, at the end of the 20th century, a wealth of fossil finds provided a detailed outline of how hoofed land mammals became the sea’s largest swimmers. Riley Black, Smithsonian Magazine, 21 Apr. 2020 Wild horses, bison and other big-hoofed animals once roamed freely in much of Europe. Karel Janicek, Star Tribune, 8 Aug. 2020 Wild horses, bison, and other big-hoofed animals once roamed freely in much of Europe. Karel Janicek,, 8 Aug. 2020 On their own, the results would seem to point to the special reservoir model, as hoofed ungulates (like our agricultural animals) and rodents collectively accounted for half the viruses that had transitioned to human hosts. John Timmer, Ars Technica, 22 Apr. 2020 Around 50 million years ago a small, hoofed animal with pointy teeth lived in what is now Wyoming. Henry Hitchings, WSJ, 26 Mar. 2020 See More