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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

See also: sign

See also: sign

Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of Signs
  • # n.
    標: award, indication, prize, sign, surface, symptom
    摽: sign
    標記: mark, sign, symbol
    標誌: mark, sign, symbol
    符: mark, sign, symbol, talisman, written charm
    符號: insignia, mark, notation, sign, symbol
    痕跡: mark, sign, trace, vestige, wake
    跡: footprint, footstep, impress, imprint, indication, sign
    跡象: indication, indicator, sign, trace, track, vestige
    跡縱: sign, trace, trait, vestige
    記: mark, sign
    記號: blaze, marking, mark, seal, sign
    牌子: brand, plate, sign, trademark
    勢: state of affairs, circumstances, force, influence, male genitals, momentum
    手勢: gesture, sign, signal
    署名: sign, signature
    先兆: indication, omen, portent, sign
    象征: byword, emblem, sign
    信: faith, letter, message, sign, true, trust
    招牌: facia, fascia, shop sign, sign, signboard
    頫: million, sign, tarsus
    朕: omen, sign
    徵候: sign, symptom
    徵兆: indication, omen, portent, premonition, sign, symptom
    正負號: sign
    志: annals, aspiration, ideal, mark, record, sign
    誌: mark, sign
  • # v.
    記名: put down one's name, sign
    簽: autograph, sign, sign one's name
    簽署: sign, undersign
    簽字: affix one's signature, sign, sign a signature
    署: arrange, make arrangements for, sign, put one's signature to
    徵兆: sign

0_0: Definitions of Signs
  • # noun.
    - an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
    * flowers are often given as a sign of affection
    - a gesture or action used to convey information or instructions.
    * she gave him the thumbs-up sign
    - a notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instructions in a written or symbolic form.
    * I didn't see the stop sign
    - each of the twelve equal sections into which the zodiac is divided, named from the constellations formerly situated in each, and associated with successive periods of the year according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic.
    * a person born under the sign of Virgo
    - the positiveness or negativeness of a quantity.
    * the last four bits hold a pattern to represent the sign of the number
  • # verb.
    - write one's name on (a letter, card, or similar item) to identify oneself as the writer or sender.
    * the card was signed by the whole class
    - use gestures to convey information or instructions.
    * she signed to her husband to leave the room
    - mark or consecrate with the sign of the cross.
    * he signed himself with the cross

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