Recent Examples on the WebSome are also flushable, but that depends a good deal on your home plumbing system, Dr. Conrad says. Ali Kessler, Good Housekeeping, 29 June 2022 Sir John Harington, a godson of Queen Elizabeth I, rediscovered the flushable toilet in 1596. Amanda Foreman, WSJ, 9 June 2022 In 2020, select packages of Cottonelle flushable wipes were voluntarily recalled for possible contamination of the same bacteria. Asha C. Gilbert, USA TODAY, 21 Mar. 2022 In 2020, Cottonelle issued a similar voluntary recall of select flushable wipes due to contamination by the same bacteria. Stephanie Wenger,, 21 Mar. 2022 The first fully flushable, biodegradable pregnancy test has reached online shelves. Lindsey Mcginnis, The Christian Science Monitor, 8 July 2021 The first and only flushable, 0% plastic, and biodegradable pregnancy test. Allyson Kapin, Forbes, 24 June 2021 The Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry said sales of disinfecting and flushable wipes are up about 30 percent and are expected to remain strong.Washington Post, 23 Apr. 2021 Even flushable wipes take a much longer time than toilet paper to decompose. Corey Whelan,, 20 Apr. 2021 See More