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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

See also: check


See also: check

Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google翻譯
^_^: Translate en To zh-TW


0_0: Translations of checks
  • # v.
    按: check, control, press, push, restrain, shelve
    把關: check, guard a pass
    查: check, consult, examine, investigate, refer, research
    查對: check, verify
    查驗: check, examine
    遏: check, couple, hold back, pair, stop
    遏制: check, contain, hold back, keep within limits
    核: check
    稽查: check, inspect, revise
    稽核: check, inspect, revise
    寄存: check, deposit, leave with
    駕馭: administer, check, control, direct, drive, monitor
    檢: check, examine, inspect, pick up
    監察: check, control, direct, regulate, supervise, verify
    校: check, proofread
    校驗: check, examine, verify
    截: check, cut, sever, stop
    考: check, examine, investigate, study, test, verify
    考查: check, investigate, study, test
    考核: assess, check, examine
    盤點: check, inventory, make an inventory
    牽制: check, contain, pin, tie up
    清查: check, uncover
    清點: check, inventory, make an inventory
    審核: check, verify
    託運: check, consign for shipment
    詳述: check, count, narrate, recount, tell
    驗: check, confirm, ensure, examine, insure, investigate
    抑止: check, restrain
    制止: check, curb, prevent, stop
    阻擊: check, rick, stop
    阻止: arrest, balk, baulk, block, check, checkmate
  • # n.
    遏: check, couple, pair, stop
    遏制: check, containment
    格子: check, cheque, grid, lattice
    將: check, general
    將軍: army general, check
    卡: card, check, checkpoint, check post, custom house, customs house
    帳單: bill, check
    支票: check, cheque
    阻止物: check

0_0: Definitions of checks
  • # verb.
    - examine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something.
    * customs officers have the right to check all luggage
    - stop or slow down the progress of (something undesirable).
    * efforts were made to check the disease
    - mark or click on (a box) in order to select a particular option on a form, questionnaire, etc.
    * users who want privacy should check the box that prevents your files from being shared
    - move a piece or pawn so that (the opposing king) is under attack.
    * he moves his knight to check my king again
    - (in poker) choose not to make a bet when called upon, allowing the action to move to another player.
    - (of a hound) pause to make sure of or regain a scent.
  • # noun.
    - British spelling of check1 (sense 4 of the noun).
    - an examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition.
    * a campaign calling for regular checks on gas appliances
    - a stopping or slowing of progress.
    * there was no check to the expansion of the market
    - a move by which a piece or pawn directly attacks the opponent's king. If the defending player cannot counter the attack, the king is checkmated.
    * None
    - a written order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account.
    * he was awarded a check for $1,000
    - a token of identification for left luggage.
    - a counter used as a stake in a gambling game.
    - a part of a piano that catches the hammer and prevents it from retouching the strings.
    - a crack or flaw in timber.
    - a pattern of small squares.
    * a fine black-and-white check

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 韋氏詞典 📚 – mw.mister5️⃣.net
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