curt implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness.
a curt command
crusty suggests a harsh or surly manner sometimes concealing an inner kindliness.
a crusty exterior
gruff suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness.
puts on a gruff pose
Example Sentences
Adjective he's a bluff but good-hearted teacher Verb She says someone else has made her a higher offer, but I think she's bluffing. Don't listen to his threats—he's just bluffing you. I bluffed my way through the interview.
Word History
Adjective and Noun (1)
obsolete Dutch blaf flat; akin to Middle Low German blaff smooth
Verb and Noun (2)
probably from Dutch bluffen to boast, play a kind of card game