the American taste for giantism: big cars, big houses, big servings of food
Recent Examples on the WebIn an especially mind-bending passage, Wengrow and Graeber show that the majority of Paleolithic tombs contained not grandees but individuals with physical anomalies including dwarfism, giantism, and spinal abnormalities. Virginia Heffernan, Wired, 11 July 2022 Other prehistoric examples of autapomorphic giantism include the extinct mega-ducks of Hawaii, as well as the dodo, which was essentially an enormous pigeon, said Dr. Worthy. Cara Giaimo, New York Times, 6 Aug. 2019 The researchers think the parrot evolved this way because of a phenomenon known as autapomorphic giantism, in which a member of an otherwise moderately sized group becomes humongous by taking over an empty ecological niche. Cara Giaimo, New York Times, 6 Aug. 2019 The extraordinary success of the giant three-ring circus gave rise to other forms of exportable American giantism, such as amusement parks, department stores, and shopping malls. Janet M. Davis, Smithsonian, 22 Mar. 2017