: jealousy imagined as a monster that attacks people—usually used with the
Finally, he suffered from professional jealousy, although, at least in public, he kept the green-eyed monster at bay most of the time. Ron FimriteCan it be that Suzanne was envious because you had a date? It sounds as if the green-eyed monster may have taken over and clouded her judgment. Ann Landers
Recent Examples on the WebChoose the high road and that green-eyed monster will soon disappear. Tarot Astrologers, chicagotribune.com, 9 Sep. 2021 Honor the green-eyed monster, allow it some space in your psyche. Amy Klein, refinery29.com, 14 Apr. 2020 Honour the green-eyed monster, allow it some space in your psyche. Amy Klein, refinery29.com, 15 Apr. 2020 The green-eyed monster had not reared her ugly head! Monita Soni, al, 5 Nov. 2019 To mark the 20th anniversary of the show’s premiere, The Times rounded up 10 of the best looks styled by costumer Patricia Field to unleash the (fashionable) green-eyed monster in all of us. Tara Paniogue, latimes.com, 5 June 2018 At least one person has been bit by the green-eyed monster after the successful launch of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket last week. Natasha Bach, Fortune, 15 Feb. 2018 See More